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Assessment at Stratford upon Avon School is designed to provide a rigorous means of monitoring student progress and whether students are on track to meet or exceed targets and to further check the security, breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of students in the classroom and throughout the year.

How do we formally assess?

Alongside the day-to-day formative assessment of progress encountered in the classroom and student work, we also have a rigorous structure of formal assessment throughout the School Year:

Students’ 'Working At Grade' is recorded at key points throughout the year and reported to parents via

For login details to this site, please email clearly stating your child's name, year group and tutor group.   

Formal Assessments are completed in conditions intended to replicate external exams (Hall, Seating, Invigilation, personalised timetables etc).                             

In addition to assessment information, what else is reported on?

  • Attendance - students' AM/PM attendance – please note, below 90% is more than 1 day off per fortnight, which the DfE class as Persistently Absent from school
  • Lates - a count of how many late marks the student has received for their morning and afternoon registration mark
  • Class Attendance % - students’ attendance to their subjects
  • Lesson Grades - a count of lesson grades given so far, this academic year
    1 = Excellent Lesson
    2 = Good Lesson
    3 = Sufficient Work
    4 = Insufficient Work in Lesson
    5 = Poor Behaviour in Lesson
    6 = Truant from Lesson
    L = Late for Lesson
  • Insufficient Homework Completed - a count of homeworks missed by the student for that subject