Open Events
We work hard to provide as many opportunities for prospective families to come and visit us as possible and offer opportunities for Open Morning visits, as well as our annual Open Evening. These events are for prospective families only.
For transitioning students who have accepted a place for the next school intake, we look forward to welcoming your child to two transition days and an event specifically designed for those children joining the school who may not know any other students. As a parent, you will be invited to an information evening where there will be an opportunity to see the school, meet your child's tutor and other key members of staff.
Open Mornings for Year 7 Entry
Open Mornings are a chance to see us at work on a normal day. They are for prospective students and are aimed at Year 7 entry, although students looking to move schools in older year groups are obviously most welcome. Tours of school with the opportunity to speak to students and staff are followed by a Q & A session with the Head, Mr Wallace.
Our Open Mornings for Year 7 Entry in September 2025 are:
Thursday 17th October
Tuesday 22nd October
Who Should I Bring?
Our Open Mornings are for as many of the family as would like to attend, and we strongly advise that you bring with you the child(ren) for whom you are attending.
Timings of Open Mornings
Open Mornings start between 9am - 9.15am and last approximately an hour and a half.
Car Parking
Car parking arrangements are currently altered due to the building work on the school site. You will receive information as to where to park when you book onto the event.
Open Evening for Year 7 Entry
Our Open Evening is an annual event where we showcase the whole school. Each department puts on a range of exciting activities to see and take part in and there is the opportunity to talk to staff and students. With sports to try, performing arts to watch, or have a go at and an invaluable talk from students across the year groups, it's a fabulous way to find out exactly what we offer.
Our Open Evening for Year 7 Entry in September 2025 is Wednesday 18th September from 4 - 7pm with speeches at 4.30, 5.30 & 6.30pm.
No booking is necessary for our Open Evening.
Open Evening for Sixth Form Entry
Please visit the Sixth Form Open Event page for more information.
Further Questions
If you have any questions regarding the tours or open events please contact