Meducators Health & Medicine Workshop

Stratford Upon Avon School was happy to welcome The Meducators Health and Medicine Workshop for students ranging from Years 10-13. The aim of the workshop was to gain clinical and practical skills through interactive activities including checking their peers’ vitals signs, blood pressure and heart rates. This workshop for students with an interest in healthcare, medicine, nursing and dentistry enables them to receive hands-on experience to help them develop an understanding and insight as to what would be learned in a medical course. They could recognise the skills needed for their specific area of interest to give them a foundation to build on so, when it comes to writing a personal statement, they have the ability to showcase their knowledge and abilities from a practical view as well as theory.
Students could improve their knowledge in their field of interest through taking part in the demonstrations and involving themselves in the Q&A where they could also find out about student life and the course itself if they choose to pursue medicine further. The students received further information and advice about how the application process works for those courses to help them when it comes to making their decisions.
The workshop was created by Stratford Careers department who were very grateful for the time given to us by CEO of Meducators and Medical Doctor, Dr Kalvind Vadi with dental student Akashdeeo Boyal. We were also very happy to welcome students from Stratford Girls Grammar and Alcester Grammar School to take part.
Written By Sophie Arrandale