Interested in becoming a Governor?

Could you contribute to the future of the young people of our community by becoming a Governor at Stratford Upon Avon School?
SUAS is a vibrant and inclusive school community – we are passionate about enabling every student to realise their potential and believe in themselves. Governors play an important role in the school, creating the conditions for continuous improvement in every area and supporting the achievement of our vision. We have a lively and engaged group of governors – parents, community members and staff – and we meet regularly (online at present) to build the team and learn how to work well together.
We are looking for new governors with experience and skills in the following areas - building and estates, mental health services wellbeing, and human resources. Formal training is provided on all aspects of governance. We welcome both parents and members of the community, and we are particularly keen to encourage people from currently under-represented groups including those from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, to put themselves forward.
Most importantly, if you are enthusiastic, willing to learn, to add your voice, and commit a few hours of your time every month then please get in touch.
Jane Price, Chair